2002 US/Extra-European Energy Imports
Oil and natural gas
EARTH's Viewpoint
| Israeli collaborators
- Extraregional and foreign country average daily imports (millions
of barrels)
A vertical bar chart comparing
total average daily imports to the United States and Europe
- By principal area and country of origin (thousands
of barrels per day)
A horizontal bar chart comparing
average daily imports to the United States and Europe from each
principal area and country of origin.
- Extra-European imports by area or country of origin
A pie graph indicating total
extra-European imports by area and country of origin.
- US imports by area or country of origin
A pie graph indicating total US
imports by area and country of origin.
Liquid Natural Gas
- Extra-European and US annual imports by principal source (billions
of cubic meters)
A horizontal bar chart comparing
annual imports to the United States and Europe from each principal area
or country.
- Extra-European and US annual imports by principal
source as a proportion of their combined total
Two pie charts showing the
proportion of their combined world total imported from each principal
area and country of export.
Pipeline Gas
- Extra-European and US annual imports of pipeline natural gas (billions
of cubic meters)
A vertical bar chart comparing
total pipeline imports irrespective of the area or country of origin
- Extra-European imports by principal country
A pie chart indicating the
proportion of total imports by principal source country.
- US imports by principal country
A pie chart showing the
proportion of total imports by principal source country.