Hong Kong Limericks

This is a collection of six limericks about six Hongkongers whose unfortunate actions led to my unexpected and unwanted departure from Hong Kong. It is hardly a reflection of my entire Hong Kong experience, nor is it an appraisal of all of Hong Kong society. Good and bad people can be found in all societies, and each society has its good and bad points depending on the personality of the evaluating individual.

Simply, I had to find a way to relieve my frustration in a way that would achieve a sense of justice for a much larger feeling of unrequited grief that dwelling upon would only have made me grieve more. Humor that touches close to the truth elevates the spirit and allows one to move forward.

It is not so much that we forget the bad of our past, but that we remember it in a way that it does no harm to the present. In the spring of 2013 I returned to Hong Kong for a brief visit and was greeted with a typhoon. I like heavy rain and high winds, but it limits one's mobility. So, I said hello to a former Hong Kong friend and departed as soon as the storm passed.