Top news
In celebration of the New Year's Holiday EARTH took an extended holiday
break. EARTH apologizes for the delay, and sincerely hopes that what
follows will be well worth your having waited.
EARTH is back on course.
Government relations
As the HKLNA-Project is about changing government policy EARTH
dedicated its last Viewpoint article of the year to just this
end. See
Hong Kong's Window Dressers under new
additions and maintenance below.
Community relations
In the end it is the Hong Kong, East Asian, and world communities that
can reap the greatest benefits from the HKLNA-Project. It is for this
reason that EARTH continues in its quest for community support.
- The EPSON Foundation - A letter (pdf
document - 60KB) was sent inviting them to
take a look at EARTH's revised proposal. The proposal is bigger and
better, and the request for assistance much smaller. Perhaps this
combination will encourage their support this second time around.
- Reaching Out Across the World-wide Web - Eight-five new
letters of introduction and invitation were sent to various German
institutions in both Germany and Japan. This was EARTH's first direct,
major effort to establish a foot-hold on the European continent.
Website additions and maintenance
New additions
- Quality - A new section was added
entitled Language
as Tool. It is the first part of a two part series dedicated toward
a better understanding of the use of English in non-native English
speaking societies. It packs a both a speculative and factual whallop!
Be cautioned.
- Viewpoint - Two new additions this month.
- Hong Kong's Window Dressers: What sound reasoning
would not dictate. Some people care about Hong Kong; others appear
to have different political and personal agendas - 31 December 2003 (pdf format -
- Mene, Mene, tekel: Sharon's Decision Wall. Time is running out in
Palestine and the democratic world must act quickly. 28 December 2003 (pdf format - 32KB)
- Tsong Kit - Chapter 1 of Part II
was added this month. Click here to
- Additional minor changes.
Software update
- It's your turn! - Many long hours on the telephone with
Adobe Inc. resulted in an important discovery for Adobe! The crucial
numbers that many of you were unable to find in EARTH's revised
HKLNA-Project proposal can now be seen. No need to download
another copy of the proposal -- just update your software. Click here for
- No more dots. Hooray!
Strategy Update
For the moment keeping the HKLNA-Project alive means keeping EARTH
alive. After a careful, but continued detour to drum
up business from private industry in Hong Kong, EARTH is once again
soliciting translation work from the world-wide academic community --
those who EARTH is forever remonstrating for neglecting the little
people of our planet. See
Reaching Out Across the World-wide Web
above. What comes to EARTH goes to the HKLNA-Project.
EARTH will continue to develop its own neglected section on Quality.
If EARTH can find the time it will also create a character index for
Tsong Kit for Students of Beginning Chinese and explore the possibility
of finding a commercial partner
to develop the project into something saleable.
EARTH thanks its friends and supporters wherever you
are. Special thanks go to Professor Doktor Peter P. Baron for his
informal proofreading of EARTH's
Hong Kong Window Dressers.
Closing Remarks
If you would like to provide support to the HKLNA-Project but are
unable to donate to the HKLNA-Project Fund, then at least hire EARTH to
provide you with the best in telecommuted translation. Surely many translators would also be grateful. See EARTH's translation
promotion material or better yet visit EARTH's

R. A. Stegemann
p.s. For those who cannot read Arabic the subtitle this month is Arabic
for Happy New Year!