English or languish - Probing the ramifications
of Hong Kong's language policy
Glossary Definitions
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- Aided Schools
glossary (special terms)
"A school operated by a voluntary body and mainly financed by government through the unified Code of Aid." A voluntary body apparently means a legally recognised charitable institution.
Hong Kong S.A.R. Government, Department of Education, Planning
and Research Division, Statistics Section (has since been reorganized
and placed under the Education and Manpower Bureau). 2002 (May).
Teacher Statistics 2001. Glossary of terms. Annex 1, p. A1.
- Caput Schools
glossary (special terms)
"A secondary school which receives government assistance in the form of a per caput grant." This definition suggests that the schools are awarded government funding based upon the number of students enrolled.
Hong Kong S.A.R. Government, Department of Education, Planning
and Research Division, Statistics Section (has since been reorganized
and placed under the Education and Manpower Bureau). 2002 (May).
Teacher Statistics 2001. Glossary of terms. Annex 1, p. A1.
- DSS - Direct Subsidy Scheme (DDS) Schools
glossary (acronyms)
"A scheme introduced to subsidize and encourage the growth of a strong private school sector, while allowing schools the maximum freedom with regard to curricula, fees and entrance requirements that are consistent with basic educational standards. Government support may vary depending on the number of pupils in the schools (i.e. on the success of the schools in attracting parents)."
Hong Kong S.A.R. Government, Department of Education, Planning
and Research Division, Statistics Section (has since been reorganized
and placed under the Education and Manpower Bureau). 2002 (May).
Teacher Statistics 2001. Glossary of terms. Annex 1, p. A1.
- ESF - English Schools Foundation
glossary (acronyms)
The English Schools Foundation was established by ordinance in 1967 to operate schools in Hong Kong offering a modern liberal education through an English language medium. ESF schools are classified as international schools by the Statistics Section of the Education and Manpower Bureau. International schools differ from local schools in so far as they do not prepare students to sit for the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE).
- HKCAA - Hong Kong Council on Academic Accreditation
glossary (acronyms)
The HKCAA is the quality assurance and accreditation agency for all levels of academic qualification below the university degree. It was established in 1990 and its mandate is expected to become vastly increased under the current set of reforms. Major changes of the HKCAA in terms of its processes, approaches, governance and culture are expected. It enjoys an illustrious track record within the EMB.
- HKEA - Hong Kong Examinations Authority
glossary (acronyms)
This is the forerunner of the Hong Kong Examinations and
Assessment Authority. The name was changed in July 2002.
- JUPAS - Joint University Programmes Admissions System
glossary (acronyms)
Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) is a scheme implemented jointly by the eight institutions funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC). It aims to facilitate students in applying for admission to UGC-funded degree and sub-degree programmes run by these institutions on the basis of students' Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination results.
- MDC - The Manpower Development Committee
glossary (acronyms)
This committee advises the Government on the provision of vocational education, manpower training, retraining, and continuing education. The MDC will eventually assume responsibility for the oversight and coordination of the development and funding of sub-degree programmes.
- Suject-trained teacher
glossary (special terms)
A subject trained teacher is someone who has received degree or nondegree certified training in his or her principal subject taught. A nonsubject trained teacher is someone who has received neither degree nor nondegree certified training in his or her principal subject taught.