or languish - Probing the ramifications
of Hong Kong's language policy |
project index
| statistical modelling (prognostics)
| factor analysis (decision tree) |
Quality Assurance
- Goodness of fit
- Linearity - Examination of error terms with respect to each
independent variable
- Plot error terms against each independent variable.
- Partitioning the error terms
- Requires multiple observations of the dependent variable
for each value of the independent variables
- F - statistic
Comparing explained with unexplained error.
- Constant variance of the error term - Plot error terms against
predicted values of the dependent variable.
- Independence of error terms - Plot error terms against time.
- Normality of error term distribution.
- Construct a histogram of error terms
- Plot the cumulative standardized residuals against a straight
- Addition of other variables - Regress error terms against
additional variable.
- Statistical significance
- T - tests against the null hypothesis for individual independent
- F - test (Coefficient of determination) - the ratio of explained
variation and unexplained variation
- Predictive value
- Only predict within the range of the sample estimated
- Strength of association - regression coefficients
- Beta coefficients - Coefficients resulting from standardized
data that permit direct comparison of the relative importance
of each independent variable on the dependent variable. Beta
values provide useful comparisons only when
- multicollinearity is small
- the number and kind of variables remain the same
- the range of values of each variable do not change.
- Selecting the best predictive model - Stepwise regression
- Backward elimination - a process of elimination whereby a
small number of independent variables are chosen from among many
independent variables with varying degrees of predictive power.
- Stepwise forward estimation - a process by which additional
independent variables are added to the regression equation based
on their ability to account for the unexplained error left by
other independent variables
- Dummy variables
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