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Hong Kong Higher Education Reform Research Project
A joint research project on public policy with regard to post junior secondary and higher education reform

emb (speeches)

A Hong Kong child once reasoned as follows:

The Analysis Corresponding Subject Area Grade
Television news reports
Knowledge-based society
Economics A
A definition
Basic physics A
Applied logic
Student's conclusion
Since knowledge and money are inversely proportional, holding work constant while decreasing knowledge yields more money. Why go to school?

Evaluation: This is precisely the kind of student that will obtain high grades on the HKCEE and HKALE qualifying examinations and enter into a local university. He has learned his lessons well (memorized the assumptions and definitions of each scientific discipline) and demonstrates outstanding analytical thinking (does well in mathematics)

When he graduates he will use this "knowledge" and his analytical skills to develop high-end technology, engage in export and import trade, and make money in financial trading.

Final Grade: You decide.

Then, email your answer to with the heading Law's Riddle in the subject line. Please do not forget to include your grading standard and explanation as to why you have chosen your grade for the student.

Adapted from a speech given by Ms. Fanny Law, Principal Secretary of Education and Manpower at the opening ceremony of the 13th ICMI Comparative Study Conference. 21 October 2002. Hopefully Ms Law understood the seriousness of her joke.