Company Profile


Provide customers with high quality data collection, analysis, and translation in a clear, easily understood, low cost format.

Focal Points

  • Information Flow

    There is an information deficit in the West with regard to the East. The quality and the amount of information coming into Asia is far superior to that which is leaving. This imbalance must be corrected.

  • Image Building

    Of course good information is only a part of the problem -- what one does with that information is still another.

    Popular perceptions about the East and West are often distorted and can play wrongly into the hands of local, national, and regional political, business, and academic leaders, who sometimes, if not often, place their own self-interest and general well-being above that of their peoples.

    We at EARTH want to help build images that serve the people and foreign community of East Asia; rather than contribute to their mutual detriment. Competitive harmony, sustainable development, mutual prosperity, and social order that respect the integrity of the individual in his own community are important goals at EARTH.

  • Scientifc Research and Expert Opinion

    In human affairs collective opinion plays a crucial role not only in the understanding of the facts, but also in their generation.

    Scientific investigation begins with testable hypotheses. Who formulates these hypotheses and what hypotheses are tested are every bit as important as the tests themselves. Thus, we at EARTH are not only interested in science, but also the opinions of those that influence the direction in which scientific investigation moves.

  • Culture and Language - a Dual Barrier

    It is one thing to convey one's ideas in a language others can understand; it is quite another for those others to make sense of them. The same idea expressed in the same language in two different cultures, is likely to be interpreted differently; this problem is compounded when there are two different languages and two different cultures. Needless to say the problem is compounded many times in a world of many languages and many cultures.

    At EARTH we cannot hope to reach everyone with the same degree of accuracy and understading, but we can do our best to reach those whom we already understand with the ideas of those who wish to be understood.

Target Customers

  • Academic researchers
  • Area specialists
  • Journalists and news commentators
  • Key business people
  • Responsible government officials
  • Socially and environmentally responsible businesses
  • Social commentators
  • Other interested parties with important contributions to make with regard to East Asia and those parts of the world community with new and vested interests in the region.

Areas of interest and specialization

  • Arms escalation and proliferation
  • Banking and finance
  • Buisness ethics
  • Comparative institutions
  • Contemporary political and social issues
  • Corporate governance
  • Economic development
  • Education
  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Food
  • Immigration
  • Industrial organization
  • Industrial engineering
  • International relations
  • Language and culture
  • Law and economics
  • Market structure
  • Resource allocation
  • Political economy
  • Property rights analysis
  • Public and private space
  • Security
  • Technology transfer
  • Trade and investment


Identification of clients and data sources
Potential author-clients and those seeking special information are identified by any of several means:

  • Authors and other clients: Direct advertisement per email, EARTH's website, and previous client recommendations.

  • Translators and proofreaders: Electronic forums that serve as exchange centers for translators, translator specialists, and proofreaders looking for work. Once again, previous client recommendations are very important in this regard.

  • Data gatherers: Anyone who can be trusted to perform tasks as directed and are available in the local and/or foreign communities at large.

  • Information sources: Although many commercial and non-commercial data bases are directly available on the internet, much information can also be obtained through personal contacts at public agencies and other research firms or institutions. Direct contact with local experts and carefully constructed survey instruments are another important possibility. Local and foreign press corps.

  • Publishers: Publishers advertise on the internet and are easily identified.


  • Author-clients and translator-specialists: As EARTH's author-clients are often specialists it is important to find translators who share their interests and are thus able to communicate the specialized language and ideas of author-clients into the target language.

    After identifying an author-client interested in taking advantage of EARTH's services, EARTH finds a translating specialist well suited to satisfy the author-client's needs, and invites both parties to take advantage of EARTH's reliable business framework.

Customer and Source Relations

  • Purchasers of information and knowledgeable people: Though EARTH is capable of satisfying many requests for information on its own, there are many requests that it cannot. This is because access to information is often limited by geographical and linguistic constraints. By establishing and maintaining links with knowledgeable people who share EARTH's interests, EARTH is able to obtain information for its clients to which EARTH does not have direct access.

Quality Control and Payment Insurance

  • Information is of little use, if it is not reliable. In order to insure that worthwhile projects are completed in the best possible manner EARTH provides the following quality control checks:

    • Project screening: EARTH does not undertake projects that it cannot perform reliably. Moreover, projects that do not match EARTH's objectives and points of focus are rejected and where possible referred elsewhere.

    • Screening of experts: Before it entrusts a project to someone, EARTH reviews that person's credentials and previous work experience. All information that EARTH gathers, analyzes, and reports is well sourced.

    • Proofreading: EARTH requires that documents and information are carefully proofed, before they are released. This is performed either directly by EARTH or by third parties.

  • As quality control can never be better than the quality of those who perform the control checks, it is important that the best available people are hired for each project. In order to achieve this goal payment must be both secure and flexible.

    • Phased payment: For large projects that require a substantial investment in time and effort on the part of single parties including data gatherers, analysts, and researchers, projects are divided into phases, and payment is made at the end of each. Should a client default in payment, EARTH covers the loss and all retained personnel are paid.

    • Project completion bonus: In order to ensure that projects are completed and in the hands of clients at mutually agreed upon times; translators, researchers, and other personnel whom EARTH retains are paid bonuses upon successful completion of contracts.