General Rules and Guidelines
translators, specialists, and proofreaders
Payment schedules


  • Translator's Report Card / Graded Completion Bonus
    Proofreaders will be expected to fill out a report card on each translator's performance. This report card consists of a brief questionnaire and statement. The score the translator receives determines the amount of his or her completion bonus.

    • Assuming that the translator completes his/her job, he/she will receive at least 85% of the contracted amount. A high report card rating will help to insure that 100% of the initially contracted amount is paid.

      The report card serves both as an incentive to the translator and as a performance measurement tool for EARTH. Translators with consistently good report cards will receive priority with regard to future work orders.

    • Though allowed to view one's report card and compare one's results with the compiled statistics of all translators, the names of individual translators and proofreader-graders are withheld.

    • Scores will be adjusted to account for grading biases among individual proofreader-graders.

    • Translators are invited to recommend changes in the manner in which they are graded. Once a report card has been issued, however, no further changes should be expected.

    • Similar, but different report cards will be used in the pro-active author-client mode. Thus, after several small projects or several segments of a large project troublesome author-clients and translators can be identified and appropriate warnings or measures be undertaken to inhibit current or future project completion failure.

  • Translator credits

    • Only the translator's name -- not the proofreader's -- will appear on the translated document along with EARTH's. Report card scores will have no bearing with regard to this privilege.

    • Though automatic, this privilege is voluntary, and at the translator's request his/her name will not be included on the final document.

    • The names of translators who participate on a project but do not see it through to the end will, in general, not appear on the final document. In the even that a substantial contribution was made before separation from the project, exceptions will be made under extenuating circumstances.
