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Census and Statistics Division. 2001 Census Section. 2001. Population Census Summary Results. Table 28 Percentage distribution of monthly household income by decile groups of domestic households, 1991, 1996, 2001.
One page apparently extracted from a much larger document. It is password protected, but can be read and printed. return...
Central Policy Unit. 2000 (February). Bringing the Vision to Life: Hong Kong's Long-Term Development Needs and Goals.
In 1998 the Commission on Strategic Dvelopment was established to advise the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on the region's long term development needs and goals. Its members include people from both the public and private sectors. This document represents the commission's effort to provide the Chief Executive with effective counsel. According to the document this is "a brief overview of the key areas that the Commission believes can or will impact, positively or negatively, on Hong Kong's aspiration of becoming Asia's World City in addition to its role as a major city in China. It also includes an outline of the initiatives the Commission believes would need to be pursued by all sectors of the community if Hong Kong is to succeed in achieving its long-term development objectives." return...
top Education Council. 2001. Education Convergence: Response to the English language curriculum framework proprosed by CDC 2000. 14 February 2001. [online document] (25 November 2002).
An apparently independent group of Hong Kong educators who are concerned about language reform in Hong Kong. This document expresses general dissatisfaction with recent changes introduced by the Hong Kong regional government with regard to the use of language as a medium of instruction in public schools. A copy of this document has been adpated for the HKLNA-Project website. return...
Education and Manpower Bureau, Steering Committee. 2001. Legislative Council panel on education: Study on enrichment of language learning environment. [online document] 23 April.
A briefing to the Legislative Council on progress with regard to a study entitled Study on 'two-mode' instruction in secondary schools. This study was initiated in September 2000 by the Working Group (WG) of Medium of Instruction The apparent purpose of this investigation is to provide a progress report to the Education Commission (EC) during the academic year 2003-2004 about the Secondary School Places Allocation (SSPA) mechanism. return..Education and Manpower Bureau. 2002. Education Statistics. January 2002. Documents obtained by fax from the office of the Prinicipal Information Officer, Department of Education, Hong Kong.
This document contains 14 tables containing information about general finance, overall enrollment, number of native speaking English language instructors, number of schools, student performance on public examinations, and various other isolated bits of aggregated information. return...
Education Department, Statistics Section (EDSS). 2002a. Enrolment Statistics 2001. April. Hong Kong: Education Department. Paper bound.
This document contains a large number of tables, charts, and graphs that organize the same data in various formats for easy reference including school, form, session, district, age, sex, number of classes, students, and repeaters, and other categories. In addition to enrollment statistics from 2001 historical data beginning in 1992 is also included. return..________, 2002b. Survey on Educational Status of S3, S5 and S7 Graduates. May. Hong Kong: Education Department. Paper bound.
These are the results of the second round of a biennial survey launched in 1999. The purpose of the survey was to determine the activity and educational status of S3, S5, and S7 graduates. With regard to activity status graduates were asked whether they were studying or working full- or part-time. Students who were studying full-time, or working and studying, were further asked about the type of coursework and school they attended. The booklet contains sample questionnaries, statistical results, and explanation of the sampling method employed. return..________, 2002c. Teacher Statistics 2001. Hong Kong: Education Department. May. Hong Kong: Education Department. Paper bound.
This document contains a large number of tables, charts, and graphs that organize similar data in various formats for easy reference. The data examines how teachers are distributed in the Hong Kong school system across a broad range of categories including subject, school, degree level, amount of training, rank, sex, and others. return..
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Law, Fanny. 1999. In pursuit of excellence in education: challenges and changes for the Hong Kong SAR. Paper presented by the Director of Education for the HKSAR at the plenary session of the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement [online document] 5 January.
My license to speak among you stems from the knowledge that as the 21st Century holds challenges for all, education is high on the agenda of many nations, and the commonality of problems we face has brought us together to share experience and good practices....Beyond this level, one out of three Secondary 5 graduates can go on to a two-year sixth form course, and about a quarter of our 17-20 age group have access to first-degree and sub-degree studies, including teacher preparation courses....In the area of education, the Basic Law specifically empowers the SAR Government on its own "to formulate policies on the development and improvement of education"; provides that "community organisations and individuals may, in accordance with the law, run educational undertakings of various kinds"; assures tertiary institutions of their continued "autonomy and academic freedom"'; and maintains that "students shall enjoy freedom of choice of educational institutions and freedom to pursue their education outside of Hong Kong"....Third, to uphold Hong Kong's position as a modern international city in the global economy of the 21st Century, our young people must develop a global outlook, a good understanding of other cultures and the ability to live in harmony in a multi-cultural society.... To realise the education aims, we have embarked on an ambitious programme of initiatives, which broadly falls into six areas, namely, quality of the teaching profession; language proficiency; information technology; curriculum and assessment; the learning environment and quality assurance....
We have drawn up a five-year strategy which aims to turn our schools into dynamic and innovative learning institutions where students can become more motivated, inquisitive and creative learners; enable our students to acquire a broad knowledge base and a global outlook by tapping into the vast reservoir of knowledge on the information superhighway; develop in our students the capability to process information effectively and efficiently; and inculcate in them the attitude and capability for independent life-long learning....To meet the needs of an all-round education, we have revised the designs of primary and secondary schools to provide additional special purpose rooms for IT and language teaching, and more open space for physical education.... Finally, to safeguard the quality of education and ensure that our investment in education produces the desired results, we have developed a framework of quality assurance which encourages self-improvement and accountability through school-based management and whole-school inspections....To pave the way for full implementation of school-based management in all public schools by the year 2000, we are actively working on a leadership programme for principals, to prepare them for the challenge and to help them in building the internal capacity necessary for sustained change and improvement....The approved projects include research studies (e.g. development of value-added indicators on school performance), measures to improve teaching and learning (e.g. a pilot scheme on native English teachers in primary schools), and activities to promote all-round development (e.g. setting up an orchestra and a Chinese lion dance team). return...
top Standing Committee on Language Education and Research. 2003 (January). Language Education Review: Action Plan to Raise Language Standards in Hong Kong. return...
Although various versions of this report can be found at the SCOLAR website this is the full report including six appendices (annex 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6, as well as annex 2). As a courtesy to the HKLNA-Project community this report has been reproduced in two formats one with and one without Chinese fonts. In addition EARTH has bookmarked all major subheadings in both the report and appendices. Unfortunately, the quality of the print in annex 2 leaves much to be desired, but is still legible when properly magnified (See bottom menu of your Acrobat Reader for directions). The appendix appears to be a scanned document with no reformatting. Finally a cover to the full report has been added for aesthetic value. It was obtained from Michael Tien's power point presentation given at the beginning of the year.
Sometime within the next couple of weeks EARTH will provide its critique of the document's content, so please wait until then for a more thorough summary (03/01/09). The critique will appear in Quality section of the HKLNA-Project which can be accessed from the project's main index.
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University Grants Committee. 2002. The UGC Facts and Figures 2001. April. Hong Kong: Hong Kong S.A.R. Printing Department.
This booklet is an excellent introduction to the University Grants Committee and the oversight role it plays in the monitoring and allocating of government money in Hong Kong tertiary education. It contains information about the organization of the committee, its various sub-committees, and the Research Grants Council (RGC), as well as information about the institutions that it funds including enrollment figures, salary grades, academic programmes, and funds. Most of the information is tabulated. The booklet is available at the Department of Education in Wan Chai. return...
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