data collection index (data | graphs | tables) project index quality assessment

English or languish - Probing the ramifications
of Hong Kong's language policy

Quality Assessment
Section four
Language and Society

Hong Kong's Neighbors

Singapore's National Education System
Post-secondary Enrolment
Not including Junior Colleges and Centralized Institutes

Graph 64 - Post-secondary Comparative Enrolment 1997 - 2002.
graph 60 | graph 63a | graph 63b | collection index (graphs)
Post-secondary Comparative Enrolment 1997 - 2002 (Line Graph)
Note:  Post-secondary enrolment does not include pre-university enrolment -- i.e. enrolment in junior colleges and centralized institutes.  Also not included are apprenticeships associated with the Institute of Technical Education. Whereas all of the above institutions represent terminal stations before entering into the Singaporean work force,  one may enter a national university and the National Institute of Education from a polytechnic, and one may enter a Polytechnic from the Institute of Technical Education. See flowchart for a better picture.
Data Source: Singapore Government. Ministry of Education. Planning Division. Management Information Branch. Education Statistics DigestOnline. Enrolment, intake, and output. ITE, polytechnics and universities. Table 26 - Enrolment: ITE, polytechnics, and universities. [online document] (March 2004). Also available on page 43 in the ministry's report entitled Education Statistics Digest 2002. Moulding the future of our nation. [EARTH's online copy - PDF 6.8 MB]. Copy of data in EXCEL format also available upon special request.
