- Student enrolment
- graph 1a - Non-tertiary enrolment
by school level and type
- Primary and secondary day school
enrolment by grade level
- graph 1b - A percentage
comparison of average 1992 - 2000 enrolment with 2001 enrolment
- graph 1c - 2001 enrolment (actual
- graph 1d - 1992 - 2000 Average
day school enrolment by key stages (pie chart)
- Secondary school
teacher certification
- Degree training by subject taught
- graph 2 - All subjects
- graph 3 - Chinese and English
languages and literatures only
- No degree and no teacher training
by subject and school sector
- graph 4 - All subjects
- graph 5 - Chinese and English
languages and literatures only
- Prioritization of Hong Kong
secondary education
- graph 6 - Number of teachers by
principal subject taught
- Distribution of teachers
across major subject groups
- graph 7 - Subject-trained and subject-nontrained teachers
- graph 8 - Average number of teachers per subject in each subject
- graph 9 - Total number of teachers in each subject group
- In search of a life-style
graph 10 - Major and minor subject group comparison
- Tertiary education
Humanities, social sciences, and
business studies
- UGC earmarked grant money by
- graph Z - UGC earmarked grant
money by subject area
- Opportunity cost of
English language education
- Getting along with others
- At home
- Overseas
- graph 13 - Hong Kong imports
- graph 14 - Hong Kong domestic exports
- graph 15 - Hong Kong re-exports
- graph 16 - Hong Kong total trade
- Supplemental
graphs and charts
- Special note:
The tables corresponding to the graphs contained in this section were
found on line in February 2004. The data contained in those tables have
since been downloaded and are now obtainable from EARTH upon special request.
- Gross
domestic product 2001
- graph 42a
By economic activity (pie chart)
- graph 42b
- By economic activity and major service component (pie chart)
- graph 42c
- By major service component as fraction of total services (pie
- Current
- graph 43a
- Net principal accounts 2001 (bar chart)
- graph 48
Summary of service and merchandise accounts 1997 - 2002 (bar chart)
- graph 57
- Summary of service and merchandise exports as a
proportion of GDP in 2001 (pie chart)
- Trade
in services
- graph 44a
- Service imports 2001 (pie chart)
- graph 44b
- Service exports 2001 (pie chart)
- graph 50
- Service imports and exports 1997 - 2002 (bar chart)
- Trade
in merchandise
- Retained
imports by
end-use category
- Domestically
produced exports by principal commodity
- Pattern
of trade 1997 - 2002
- graph 47a
- Imports by principal source (line graph)
- graph 47b
Exports by principal destination (line graph)
- graph 47c
Re-exports by principal destination (line graph)
- Mainland and
Taiwan vs All others - Five-year trend 1997-2002
- Capital
account 2001
- International
investment position 2001
- graph 43c
- Net principal accounts (bar chart)
- The economics of
Educational expenditure -
international comparison
- graph 17 - Percent of government expenditure
- graph 18 - Percent of gross national product
- graph 19 - Distribution across
- graph 77 -
Hong Kong government expenditure per student 1999-2000.
- graph 78 -
Kong's English language distillation and certified waste plant -
- graph 79 -
Primary and secondary teachers' salaries for selected OECD countries
and Hong Kong.
- Hong Kong's Information
- The world-wide
web in 2002 - A global overview.
- graph 20 - Distribution of online
population by language.
- graph 21 - Growth of online
population by language (1996 - 2001).
- graph 22 - Expected online
English and non-English populations 2004.
- Hong
Kongers knowledgeable about computers.
- In 2001 - 2003.
- graph 80a
- Number of knowledgeable Hong Kongers (Bar chart).
- graph 80b
- Percentage of all Hong Kong residents (Line graph).
- Hong Kongers knowledgeable
about computers in 2003.
- graph 81a
- By age and sex (Line graph).
- graph 81b
- By age as a proportion of age cohort (Bar chart).
- Hong Kong
computer users by level of educational
- graph 82a
- Total number from 2000 to 2002 (Line graph).
- graph 82b
- Proportion of all users in 2003 (Pie graph).
- graph 82c
- Percent fraction of educational group in 2003 (Bar chart).
- Household
computers and internet access in Hong Kong
- 2000-2003
- graph 87a
- All households, households with a computer, and households with a
computer and internet access (Line graph).
- graph 87b
- Households with a
computer and households with a computer and internet access as a
proportion of all households (Bar chart).
- graph 87c
- Households with internet access as a proportion of all households
a computer 2000-2003 (Bar chart).
- graph
- Median monthly income of households with a computer, with a computer
and an internet connection, with neither a computer nor an internet
connection 2000 - 2003 (Line graph).
- Closing the household computer and
internet access gaps in 2003.
- Household
- graph 88a
- Will you purchase a computer in the next 12
(Bar chart)
- graph 89a
- You do not have a
personal computer in your home. Why not? (Bar chart)
- How many personal computers in
your household are there?
- graph 92a
- None, one, two or more? (Bar chart with percent ranking)
- graph 92b
- None, one, two, three, four, or five or more? (Bar chart with actual
- Internet
- graph 88b
- Will you obtain internet access in the next 12 months? (Bar
- graph 89b
- You have a computer in
your home, but no access to the internet. Why not? (Bar chart)
- Household
computer and internet
access by level of income.
- graph 90a
- All households, households with a computer, and households with a
computer connected to the internet (Line graph).
- graph 90b
- All households and households with a computer (Two pie graphs)
- graph 90c
- All households and households with a computer connected to the
internet (Two pie graphs).
- Household
computer and internet
access by level of income and age of household head in 2003.
- Household computer
- Distribution across age and
income groups (Line graphs).
- Does your household have a
computer? Yes/No by number of households (Bar charts)
- Internet access
- graph 95a
- Number of households with a connection in 2003 (Line graph).
- graph 95b
- Number of households without a connection in 2003 (Line graph).
- Yes/No ratios for households
with a computer and households with an internet connection in 2003
- graph 96a
- Household computer (Line graph).
- graph 96b
- Internet connection (Line graph).
- Household
computer and internet
access by dwelling type.
- graph 91a
- All households and households with a computer (Two
pie graphs).
- graph 91b
- All households and households with a computer
connected to the
internet (Two pie graphs).
- Knowledge of
Chinese input method
- Hong
Kongers with knowledge of a
Chinese input method 2000-2003
- graph 83a
- Household ownership, internet access, recent use, and knowledge
of a Chinese input method among resident Hong Kongers (Line Graph).
- graph 83b
- Hong Kongers with knowledge of a Chinese input method as a proportion
of recent users (Bar Chart).
- graph 83c
- Hong Kongers with a household computer and internet access as a
proportion of users with knowledge of a Chinese input method. (Line
- Hong
Kongers Knowledgeable
a Chinese Input Method by Economic or Noneconomic Activity
- graph 84a
- Hong Kongers with knowledge of computers and a
Chinese input method. (Bar Chart)
- graph 84b
- Proportion of Hong Kongers knowledgeable of a
Chinese input method by economic or noneconomic activity. (Pie Graph)
- graph 84c
- Number of Hong Kongers who know a Chinese input
method divided by the number of those who are familiar with computers.
(Bar Chart)
- graph 84d
- Proportion of Hong Kongers with knowledge of a
Chinese input method by economic or noneconomic activity. (Bar Chart)
- Most
often used Chinese
- graph 85a
- Number of
Hong Kongers
knowledgeable of at least one Chinese input method by method used. (Bar
- graph 85b
- Hong
Kongers' most often used Chinese input method. (Pie Graph)
- Hong Kong
users of electronic business services
- graph 86a
- All services by internet and device type in 2003. (Bar Chart)
- graph 86b
- Electronic business services by device type 2000-2003. (Line
- graph 86c
- Electronic business services accessed via the internet 2000-2003.
(Line Graph)
- Hong Kong's information technology and telecommuncations industries.
- Percent contribution to GDP in 2000,
2001, and 2002 measured in terms of factor cost.
- graph 98 -
By industry (Stacked bar chart).
- graph 99 -
Aggregate contribution (Pie graph series).
- graph 100
- Industrial composition in 2002 by IT&T industry (Pie graph)
- IT&T labor composition in
- graph 101a
- Distribution of labor across Hong Kong's major IT&T industries in
2002 (Pie graph).
- graph 101b
- Average monthly wage paid
to IT&T workers by IT&T industry in 2002 (Horizontal bar chart).
- graph 101c
- IT&T total wage and
salary payments by industry in 2002 (Vertical bar chart).
- Distribution of IT&T workers
across Hong Kong government and industry
- graph 108a
- Percentage of IT&T
workers employed in government and various industries (Line graph).
- graph 108b
- Distribution of IT&T
workers in Hong Kong government and industry in 2002 (Pie graph).
- graph 108c
- Distribution of all
workers in Hong Kong government and industry in 2002 (Pie graph).
- graph 114a
- Distribution of IT workers across large industrial groups including
government 1993 - 2002 (Line graph).
- graph 114b
- Distribution of IT workers across large industrial
groups including government 2002 (Pie graph).
- graph 109
- Hong Kong's missing workers (Line graph).
- IT&T capital expenditure and
gross fixed investment in 2003.
- graph 102a
- IT&T factor payments to capital in 2002 (Horizontal bar chart).
- graph 102b
- Distribution of capital spending on fixed investment across Hong
Kong's IT&T industries in 2002 (Pie graph).
- graph 103
- Capital earned per dollar wage paid in Hong Kong's IT&T
industries in 2001 and 2002 (Line
- Hong Kong's
external trade in IT&T products
- Imports
- graph 104
- IT&T retained
imports and IT&T imports
as a percentage of all retained imports and total imports
including all goods and services respectively (Line graph).
- graph 105a
- IT&T retained imports
as a percentage of all retained imports in 2002 (Pie graph).
- graph 105b
- IT&T merchandise
imports as a percentage of all imported goods and services in 2002 (Pie
- graph 110a
- Hong Kong's IT&T
imports from the Chinese mainland and elsewhere 1997-2002 (Vertical bar
- Exports
- graph 106
- IT&T domestic exports and IT&T
merchandise exports
as a percentage of all domestic exports and total exports including all
goods and services, respectively (Line graph).
- graph 107a
- IT&T domestic exports as a percentage of all domestic
exports in 2002 (Pie graph).
- graph 107b
- IT&T merchandise exports as a percentage of all exported
goods and services in 2002 (Pie graph).
- graph 110b
- Hong Kong's IT&T
re-exports to the Chinese mainland and elsewhere 1997-2002 (Vertical
bar chart).
- graph 111
- Composition of IT&T trade volume in 2002 (Pie graph).
- IT&T in Hong
Kong public
- graph 112a
- Capital expenditure
on IT&T training in Hong Kong public schools 1998-2003 (Line graph).
- graph 112b
- Recurrent expenditure on IT&T training in Hong Kong public
schools 1998-2003 (Line graph).
- graph 113
- Graduates of tertiary information technology programs by type of
program 1996-2002 (Line graph).
- The languages of Hong
Kong's neighbors and principal trade partners
- By region
- Greensberg's
diversity index
- Two languages distributed unequally
- graph 74a
- Value of index (Line graph)
- graph 74b
- Proportional illustration (Pie graphs)
- Two and more languages distributed
- graph 75a
- Value of index (Line graph)
- graph 75b
- Proportional illustration (Pie graphs)
- Cross-national comparisons
- graph 27 - A cross-national comparison of Hong Kong's principal
- graph 56 -
A cross-national comparison (Hong Kong,
Indonesia, Singapore, Switzerland)
- Singapore
- Ethnic
and linguistic
- graph
- Singapore's linguistic diversity in 1993 (Pie chart)
- graph
- Singapore's ethnic diversity in 1993 (Pie chart)
- graph 72 -
Singapore's Chinese language diversity -2002 (Pie Chart)
- graph 73 -
Sinagpore's non-resident population 1990 - 2002 (Bar Chart)
- Language
and society - Singapore's population census
- First language spoken in
the home by age and large ethnic group in 2000
- First language spoken in
the home by academic qualification in 2000. Age 15 and over.
- graph 70a
- English by large ethnic group ( Line graph)
- graph 70b
- Ethnic Chinese by language (Line graph)
- First language spoken in
the home by type of dwelling.
- graph 71a
- English by large ethnic group (Line graph)
- graph 71b
- Chinese Singaporeans by language (Line graph)
- graph 71c
- Mother tongue by large ethnic group (Line graph)
- National
education system
- Primary and secondary education
- graph 59a
- Public primary school enrolment streams (Proportional bar chart)
- graph 59b
- Public seconday school enrolment streams
(Proportional bar chart)
- graph 60 -
Singapore's public educational
system at a glance - 2002 (Flowchart)
- Educational opportunity and
- graph 61a
- PLSE candidates by ethnic group (Pie chart)
- graph 61b
- Secondary school eligibility by ethnicity 1997 - 2002 (Bar
- Pre-university education stream
enrolment 1997 - 2002
- Comparative stream enrolment by
gender (Line graph)
- graph 63a
- Total comparative stream enrolment (Line graph)
- graph 63b
- Total pre-university enrolment (Line graph)
- graph 64 -
Post-secondary education intake -- not including pre-university
enrolment (Line graph)
- graph 65
- Government recurrent expenditure per student by level and type
of education 1997 - 2002 (Line graph)
- graph 66 -
Distribution of teacher certification across grade levels (Bar graph)
- Comparative school enrolment
figures in 2001
- graph 67a
- Public school output by level of education (Bar graph)j
- graph 67b
- Public and private school enrolment (Bar graph)
- Full- and partime private school
enrolment in 2001 by type of institution
- Supplemental
- Hong Kong's linguistic and
ethnic diversity
- graph 52a
Hong Kong's linguistic diversity in 2001
- graph 53
- A decade of transformation 1991 -
2001 (Bar chart)
- graph 54
- Hong Kong's other languages 1991 - 2001
(Bar chart)
- graph 52b
- Hong Kong's ethnic diversity in 2001
- graph 55 -
Switzerland's linguistic diversity in 1990 - Pie chart
- graph 58 -
A conservative
upper estimate of Hong Kong's true need for the English language (Pie
- Filling the near native
English speaker gap
- graph 76 -
Numer of years required at current overseas rate of education and
average work-life.
- Hong Kong crime
International comparison
- Nature of crime
- Criminal enforcement
- Coping with linguistic and
national diversity
- graph 32 - Ranked by foreign prisoners
- graph 33 - Ranked by Greenberg's diversity index
- Income or consumption
An international and domestic
- graph 34 - GDP per capita and HDI
- Percentage Distribution of
Monthly Household Income
- Income and/or consumption
inequality - International comparison
- graph 36a - The GINI Indices
- Exploring the tails
- graph
36b - The top and bottom 20th percentiles
- graph
36c - The top and bottom 10th percentiles
- Income and taxes under construction
- Tourism
WTO Tourism Highlights 2002
- World's Top 15 (2000 and 2001)
- International tourist
arrivals and tourism receipts
- East Asia and the Pacific
- Europe
- Outbound tourism by region
- graph
40a - Outbound tourists by world region (pie
- graph
40b - Intra-regional and inter-regional comparison
- graph
40c - Growth 1990, 1995, 2000
- Intra- and interregional
41 - 2020 growth forecast