data collection index (data | graphs | tables) project index quality assessment
English or languish - Probing the ramifications
of Hong Kong's language policy

Quality Assessment
Hong Kong's Information Society
The structure, flow, use, and language of information in Hong Kong society

Household computers and internet access in Hong Kong
Closing the household computer and internet access gaps in 2003

Graph 95a - Number of Hong Kong households with an internet connection by age of household head and level of monthly income.
graphs 87a, 87b, and 87c | graphs 88a and 88b | graphs 89a and 89b | graphs 90a, 90b, and 90c | graphs 91a and 91b | graphs 92a and 92b | graph 93b | graphs 94a, 94b, 94c, and 94d | graph 95b | graphs 96a and 96b | data collection (graphs)
Number of Hong Kong households with an internet connection by age and income (Line Graph) 
Source:  Hong Kong Government. Census and Statistics Department. Social Surveys Section. 2003. Thematic Household Survey. Information Technology Usage and Penetration. Data obtained by special request from the Social Surveys Section. EARTH's copy of the corresponding table is available on request.

Graph 95b - Number of Hong Kong households without an internet connection by age of household head and level of monthly income.
graphs 87a, 87b, and 87c | graphs 88a and 88b | graphs 89a and 89b | graphs 90a, 90b, and 90c | graphs 91a and 91b | graphs 92a and 92b | graph 93a | graphs 94a, 94b, 94c, and 94d | graph 95a | graphs 96a and 96b | data collection (graphs)
Number of Hong Kong households without an internet connection by age and income (Line Graph)
Source:  Hong Kong Government. Census and Statistics Department. Social Surveys Section. 2003. Thematic Household Survey. Information Technology Usage and Penetration. Data obtained by special request from the Social Surveys Section. EARTH's copy of the corresponding table is available on request.
