data collection index (data | graphs | tables) project index quality assessment
English or languish - Probing the ramifications
of Hong Kong's language policy

Quality Assessment
Hong Kong's Information Society
The structure, flow, use, and language of information in Hong Kong society

IT Users With Knowledge of a Chinese Input Method 2000-2003

Graph 83a - Household ownership, internet access, recent use, and knowledge of a Chinese input method among resident Hong Kongers.
graphs 80a and 80b | graphs 81a and 81b | graphs 82a, 82b, and 82c | graphs 83b, and 83c | graphs 84a, 84b, 84c, and 84d | graphs 85a and 85b | data collection (graphs)
Note: The data points corresponding to computer use (gray) and knowledge of a Chinese input method (orange) reflect all Hong Kongers age 10 or over. The data points correponding to household computer (green) and internet access (purple) reflect only household computers and domestic internet access.
Source 1:  Hong Kong Government. Census and Statistics Department. Social Surveys Section. 2003. Thematic Household Survey Report No. 15. Chapter 4 - Knowledge of using personal computer and Chinese input methods. Table 4.3 Persons aged 10 and over who had knowledge of using Chinese input methods, p. 44.  EARTH's copy of corresponding table available on request.
Source 2:  Hong Kong Government. Census and Statistics Department. Information Technology and Telecommunications Statistics Section. 2003. Hong Kong as an Information Society. Chapter 1 - Information technology usage and penetration in households. Table 1.1 Households with personal computers (PCs) at home and with PCs at home connected to Internet, p. 9. Table 1.4 Persons aged 10 and over who had used personal computers (PCs) in the twelve months before enumeration, p. 13.  EARTH's copy of corresponding table available on request.

Graph 83b - Hong Kongers with knowledge of a Chinese input method as a proportion of recent users.
graphs 80a and 80b | graphs 81a and 81b | graphs 82a, 82b, and 82c | graphs 83a and 83c | graphs 84a, 84b, 84c, and 84d | graphs 85a and 85b | data collection (graphs)
Note: These values correspond to those found in graph 83a and were calculated by dividing the number of users with knowledge of a Chinese input method (orange) into the number of Hong Kongers who had used a computer during the last 12 months (gray). This is not a measure of the number of Hong Kongers who both used a computer during the past 12 months and have knowledge of a Chinese input method. It does suggest, however, that the number of Hong Kongers with knowledge of a Chinese input method is rising faster than the number of Hong Kongers who use personal computer. In short, Hong Kongers who were trained to use computers in the English language are shifting into a Chinese-friendlier user environment.
Source 1:  Hong Kong Government. Census and Statistics Department. Social Surveys Section. 2003. Thematic Household Survey Report No. 15. Chapter 4 - Knowledge of using personal computer and Chinese input methods. Table 4.3 Persons aged 10 and over who had knowledge of using Chinese input methods, p. 44.  EARTH's copy of corresponding table available on request.
Source 2:  Hong Kong Government. Census and Statistics Department. Information Technology and Telecommunications Statistics Section. 2003. Hong Kong as an Information Society. Chapter 1 - Information technology usage and penetration in households. Table 1.4 Persons aged 10 and over who had used personal computers (PCs) in the twelve months before enumeration, p. 13.  EARTH's copy of corresponding table available on request.

Graph 83c - Hong Kongers with a household computer and internet access as a proportion of users with knowledge of a Chinese input method.
graphs 80a and 80b | graphs 81a and 81b | graphs 82a, 82b, and 82c | graphs 83a and 83b | graphs 84a, 84b, 84c, and 84d | graphs 85a and 85b | data collection (graphs)
Hong Kongers with a household computer and internet access as a proportion of users with knowledge of a Chinese input method (Line Graph)
Note 1: These values correspond to those found in graph 83a. The were obtained by dividing the number of Hong Kongers with a computer in their home (green) and the number with home access to the internet (purple) by the number of Hong Kongers with knowledge of a Chinese input method.
Note 2: The falling green line tells us that Hong Kongers are obtaining knowledge of a Chinese input method faster than they are acquiring personal computers for domestic use. This implies that Hong Kongers are increasingly using Chinese input methods at school and in the workplace.
Note 3: The rising purple line indicates that home access to the internet is rising faster than acquisition of a Chinese input method. We do not know, if the increase in home access is taking place among those who have already acquired a Chinese input method or among those who have not. In any case, acquiring domestic access to the internet is more popular than obtaining a new computer for the home. This suggests that many  Hong Konger with household computers are not connected to the internet.
Source 1:  Hong Kong Government. Census and Statistics Department. Social Surveys Section. 2003. Thematic Household Survey Report No. 15. Chapter 4 - Knowledge of using personal computer and Chinese input methods. Table 4.3 Persons aged 10 and over who had knowledge of using Chinese input methods, p. 44.  EARTH's copy of corresponding table available on request.
Source 2:  Hong Kong Government. Census and Statistics Department. Information Technology and Telecommunications Statistics Section. 2003. Hong Kong as an Information Society. Table 1.1 Households with personal computers (PCs) at home and with PCs at home connected to Internet, p. 9.   EARTH's copy of corresponding table available on request.
