Graph 81b - Hong Kongers with
knowledge of computer use as a percentage of their own age cohort
in 2003.
graph 80a
and 80b | graph 81a
| graphs 82a,
82b and 82c | graphs 83a, 83b,
and 83c | graphs 84a, 84b,
84c, and 84d | graphs 85a and 85b | data collection (graphs) |
Note 1: The category Overall
corresponds to the data collection period May-August 2003 found in
graphs 80a and 80b.
Note 2: Having knowledge about
personal computers appears to mean have had some exposure to personal
computer use. |
Note 3: Personal computers refers
to a computer designed
for individual use. Personal computers includes desktop computer,
laptop/notebook computer and Personal Digital Assistant. Servers,
workstations and terminals of mainframe or minicomputer are not
included. Personal computers may be connected to form a Local Area
Network (LAN) or Wide Area Network (WAN). |
Hong Kong Government. Census and Statistics Department.
Social Surveys Section.
2003. Thematic
Household Report No. 15. Chapter 4 - Knowledge of using personal
and Chinese input methods. Table 4.2a Persons aged 10 and over who had
knowledge of using personal computer (PC) by age and sex, p. 41.
EARTH's copy of corresponding table
available on request. |