Graph 76 - Number of years a Hong Konger can
remain overseas at current levels of overseas enrolment and average
42 | collection
index (graphs)
Note 1: This graph plots the data
found in column three of table
42 against the data found in column one of the same table.
Note 2: From 1995 to 2000 the
average work-life of a Hong Kong worker
was 18.6 years. This is also the number of years of exit and
return required to sustain a given number of workers in the Hong Kong
work force with some level of overseas experience based on a constant
level of overseas enrolment. Under the assumption that the 2001 level
of overseas enrolment -- namely, 32,115 students -- is sustained for
18.6 years, then the maximum number of years that each student can
study abroad is 2.81 years.
Data Source: EARTH. HKLNA-Project
Understanding the nature, cause, magnitude, and direction of English
language attrition in Hong Kong society - Measurement and assessment. [online document
- pdf 1.4 MB] Appendix I, Figure 11 - Number of Hong Kong workers by
age group,
p. 75. See also table 42. |