data collection index (data | graphs | tables) project index quality assessment
English or languish - Probing the ramifications
of Hong Kong's language policy

Quality Assessment
Section four
Language and Society

Hong Kong's Neighbors

Filling the Near Native Speaker Gap
Supplemental Graphs

Click on graph to see corresponding table.

Graph 76 - Number of years a Hong Konger can remain overseas at current levels of overseas enrolment and average work-life.
table 42 | collection index (graphs)
Time Required to Supply Hong Kong with Overseas Trained English Speakers - Line Graph
Note 1: This graph plots the data found in column three of table 42 against the data found in column one of the same table.
Note 2: From 1995 to 2000 the average work-life of a Hong Kong worker was 18.6 years.  This is also the number of years of exit and return required to sustain a given number of workers in the Hong Kong work force with some level of overseas experience based on a constant level of overseas enrolment. Under the assumption that the 2001 level of overseas enrolment -- namely, 32,115 students -- is sustained for 18.6 years, then the maximum number of years that each student can study abroad is 2.81 years.
Data Source: EARTH. HKLNA-Project Proposal. Understanding the nature, cause, magnitude, and direction of English language attrition in Hong Kong society - Measurement and assessment. [online document - pdf 1.4 MB] Appendix I, Figure 11 - Number of Hong Kong workers by age group, p. 75. See also table 42.
