Top news
It was a cold lunar New Year for both EARTH and many Hong
Kongers. So, EARTH paid its second virtual visit to Hong Kong's
Education City in search of inspiration and found plenty. See
as Medium under
Website Additions and Maintenance below.
Government relations
EARTH is currently working with the Hong Kong Census and Statistics
Department to determine what effect education attainment level
has on individual earnings in Hong Kong. Based on the available data
the results should be interesting, but leave many questions unanswered.
Since one's attained education level assumes some minimum level of
English language proficiency, we should be able to ascertain the
minimum level of English required to obtain a certain level of income
under Hong Kong's artificial English language demand conditions. This
knowledge will provide a useful benchmark for later studies that
attempt to ascertain the language's real market worth.
Community relations
In the end it is the Hong Kong, East Asian, and world communities that
can reap the greatest benefits from the HKLNA-Project. It is for this
reason that EARTH continues in its quest for community support.
- City University of Hong Kong - EARTH offered to present
a paper on the economics of Hong Kong's English language industry at
the university's up-coming International Conference on Experimental
Economics (pdf
document - 76KB)
- Reaching Out Across the World-wide Web - Thirty-eight
new personalized
letters of introduction and invitation were sent to five additional
German universities after the solar New Year. In total EARTH has
contacted 123 German scholars in Japan and Germany. Next stop France!
- The EPSON Foundation - EARTH is still waiting for a
response to its invitation and request (pdf
document - 60KB) for funding from the EPSON Foundation. Receipt of
EARTH's request was confirmed.
- University of Hong Kong - Professor Stephen Mathews,
author of Cantonese - A Comprehensive Grammar was
contacted and information obtained with regard to Cantonese language
textbook sales.
Website additions and maintenance
New additions
- Quality - Language as Medium, Section III's complement to Language as Tool,
was added this month. For East Asians who always think "More
English is better", you might just want to think again. This is a story
about the shabbier, entrepreneurial side of Hong Kong's public
linguistic domain that applies to much of East Asia.
- Viewpoint - One new addition this month.
- A failed diplomat, and Israel's failing foreign
policy - A conversation in three parts.
This is a critique on the Swedish Prime Minister's
handling of Ambassador Mazel's act of vandalism at the Museum of
National Antiquities in Stockholm. Even if you were not aware of the
incident this article is worth reading - 28 January 2004 (pdf format - 164KB
with photograph).
- Tsong Kit - Chapter 2 of Part II
was almost completed, but not quite. This was a tougher chapter than
usual, but with less time to complete.
- Additional minor changes.
Software update
- No new updates, but no new disasters either. EARTH escaped
Strategy Update
EARTH will continue to push forward with completion of the section
Quality and continue to pursue all of the
aforementioned initiatives.
This month special thanks go to Dr. Billy Li of the
Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department for his cooperation and kind
assistance in helping EARTH to obtain needed statistical data. Once
again, special thanks are also given to Professor Doktor Peter P.
Baron, who provided EARTH with three short German to English
translation projects: two speeches and an article submitted to the
Financial Times. Dr. SIU Hin Ho should also be thanked for being so
patient with regard to this month's rent, as well as Professor Stephen
Mathews for his useful input with regard to the Cantonese language
Closing Remarks
If you would like to provide support to the
HKLNA-Project but are
unable to donate to the
Fund, then at least hire EARTH to
provide you with the best in telecommuted translation. Surely many translators
would also be grateful. See EARTH's translation
promotion material or better yet visit EARTH's

R. A. Stegemann