Top news
Where does Hong Kong industry perform best when it comes to information
technology and telecommunication services? Perhaps with no surprise --
redistributing what others have already produced. See
Assessment below.
Government relations
Showing public appreciation toward those in government who help move
the HKLNA-Project forward may not be
a good idea, as there are others in government who pay their wages and
think differently. If you work for
government, sing praise or do not sing, appears to be the general
wisdom obtained from government officials friendly to EARTH's
cause. It is too bad that a government that claims service to its
people, behaves in this manner.
Community relations
Shhh! Don't tell anyone.
Website additions and maintenance
New additions
- Quality Assessment
- Part two of Hong Kong's Information Society entitled Government and
Industry was added.
- Accompanying this new section are twenty-seven, new,
thoroughly referenced graphs, twenty-four new footnotes, a new table,
and numerous helpful links to other HKLNA-Project resources.
- Unless a big information gap is discovered while constructing
stimulating digital presentations to sell the HKLNA-Project to
potential funders, publishers, and the Hong Kong community this fall,
no new major editions to Quality
Assessment will be made.
- EARTH's Viewpoint
- Tsong Kit for Beginners - Chapter
4 has been completed and uploaded.
- The index for data collection has been updated in an effort to
make finding specific graphs and tables less cumbersome. One large
error and several minor errors were found in the previously uploaded
section entitled Hong Kong's Information Society - Households and
- A little googling suggests that people seeking out the
are also desirous to learn more about its creator. As these inquiries
are rarely direct, a general
revision of old, neglected material has begun.
- IMAGINE - My lost decade in Japan - a book draft
on Japanese society that has lain dormant for four years and is in bad
need of grammatical revision has been placed first on the list.
- Already a stiff public rebuttal to false claims made by an
old mailing-list nemesis whose ill-will has soiled EARTH's good
reputation has been completed.
Software update
- There were no new purchases.
Strategy Update
It may be that no break will be necessary and next month's newsletter
will appear on schedule. Certainly EARTH's first priority from this
point onward will be creating a digital presentation and internet
presence in readiness for EARTH financial blitz in the fall.
Special thanks to Dr. SIU Hin Ho and YANAGI Toshio
for their generous financial assistance, while EARTH struggles to push
the HKLNA-Project forward in a timely manner.
Continued thanks to the folks at for their many helpful hints and useful
suggestions. This past month marked EARTH's first French-to-English
translation assignment in Hong Kong. Hooray for Hong Kong!
Closing Remarks
Please do not forget to take advantage of
quality translation
service. EARTH's survival might very well be the

R. A. Stegemann