- Moogoonghwa <<<>>>
This website's namesake.
- One Name, Only Borders
Coping on the ground in East Asia.
- Viewpoint
Society from a variety of perspectives.
- Imagine
Insight into contemporary Japanese society.
<<< First | Final >>>
- Tsong Kit >>>
A traditional Chinese input method for Chinese and English language beginners.
- The HKLNA Project
- Project Overview <<<
- English or Languish? <<<
A case of severe market distortion.
- The GENA Project <<<
Was intended to replace the more narrowly defined and researched HKLNA Project.
- Grammar Captive <<<
My final effort to rescue the final remnants of the HKNLA project, before embarking on Mount Cambitas — the hill on which I will surely die or prove victorious.
- Facts and Figures of a Fading Past
- My 2016 Hunger Strike
A Futile, but Noble Protest Against America's UnAmerican Spoils System.
- America's Lost Identity >>>
- 9/11 Truth >>>
- New Year's Greeting 2025
Mount Cambitas
The Story of Real Money. >>>
Ave Verum
A blog page about the restoration of the American republic. >>>
- Grammar Captive
- 「旧 TWITTER 」- X Updates
It feels like I am still throttled, and the X widget does not function properly. There is no display of my X updates. There is no timeline, only a button to the X website. Free advertisement for X, but no reward for having provided it. What kind of online business would do this to web developers, anyway? Elon Musk is overrated.