Understanding the work relationship
For translators, translating-specialists, and proofreaders
A rewarding work experience

Suggestion: Before reading this section it is recommended that you review the operating modes outlined under the heading EARTH's Online Business Model

The best translations are those of ideas -- not words. As it is not always possible to know the ideas that give rise to the words without first knowing the author, it is necessary that EARTH's translators be able to inquire about the underlying ideas, when the words fail.

Thus, at EARTH we encourage translators and authors to form a direct link during the translation of a document.

As a translator is unlikely to have a personal relationship with the author-client, the relationship between them can easily become strained during the course of a translation -- this is especially true when the translator is only partially familiar with the author-client's field of work.

In order to ensure a smooth relationship between the author-client and the translator, EARTH serves as an intermediary to help either side in overcoming difficulty when it arises. If bad comes to worse, EARTH stands ready to find a new match.


Sometimes translators commit themselves to projects they cannot comfortably complete. So as to prevent this from happening EARTH strives to have as much information as possible in the hands of the translator before he makes his decision about whether to accept a project.

Translators who reject a proposed project are not rejected in return. No translator can translate everything well, and most are able to translate some things much better than others. Here at EARTH we are always looking for the best possible match.

Guaranteed payment
In order to insure the fidelity of our translators and proofreaders, EARTH guarantees payment even when the author-client defaults.

Special handling of large projects

In order to guarantee payment to its translators and proofreaders EARTH must cover itself with regard to author-client default.

Thus, large projects performed by a single translator are divided into a series of smaller projects ea ch of which is considered a small project unto itself.

A completion bonus

Once a translator accepts a project, EARTH expects him to finish it. Notwithstanding, the best commitments are those that we can freely break, and to which we remain committed -- not by threat of legal action, but by interest, pride, and even passion. Thus, we allow translators to break their commitments when they no longer feel capable of honoring them, and encourage them to finish projects once they have committed.

EARTH offers translators a completion bonus equal to 15% of the their total work effort.

Just because you quit a project before you finish, does not mean that EARTH will not hire you back, unless of course you become a chronic non-finisher.

Work recognition and career promotion 

Our goal at EARTH is to facilitate communication, not to exploit those who help us to communicate. Thus, we help to promote our own translators' careers by making sure that their names appear on the published works of our author-clients. In other words working for EARTH means working for yourself!

Someday you may want to go your own way. Neither does EARTH want to hold you back, nor does it want you to forget who brought you further ahead. In today's world friendship is a valuable, but often scarce commodity.


Although communication is an important goal at EARTH, our mission is much larger.

The three greatest threats to the future of humankind are conflicting goals, conflicting values, and misinformation. Those who lead the nations of our world are sometimes, if not often, handicapped in all three. An important goal at EARTH is to provide accurate information to our leaders and the people whom they lead.

Our goal at EARTH is to bring different people together -- not make everyone the same.

At EARTH we believe in cultural and linguistic diversity, and the preservation of local culture, community, and language. We also respect the need for world governance with regard to those aspects of market growth and development that threaten the livelihoods of local communties through environmental destruction, financial instability, and political turmoil.

As the world becomes increasingly integrated and diverse, we must seek to establish global values, standards, and rules that do not destroy the integrity of local communities but still permit the individual to escape his/her cultural and political bondage when humankind can be better served.


High professional standards and quality service are not always sufficient in a world market place dictated by popular consumption and individual opportunism. Thus, in order to protect itself and those with whom EARTH does business, EARTH requires that each translators and proofreader make a solemn pledge not to engage in client theft.

In turn EARTH pledges, unless otherwise instructed by an author-client, to make available on a priority basis those translators and proofreaders who have already performed work on a client's behalf. Notwithstanding, no translator or proofreader should ever feel obligated to perform work for an author-client whose work they prefer not to accept.

See next page.
