A rewarding work experience!

What makes EARTH different to you?
Translators, Specialists, and Proofreaders

Operating Modes

  • Proactive
    Client/Translator Mode
    An illustration

    For low-budget author-clients with some knowledge of the target language and translators who enjoy working with author-clients and lack good familiarity in the author-client's area of expertise.

  • Traditional Mode
    An illustration

    For author-clients that do not want to be bothered, and translating specialists with good familiarity in the author-client's area of expertise.

Business Model

  • Understanding the work relationship more...

  • Arbitrage
    Exploiting difference in time and space.
    • Time
      The geography and economics of time. more...

    • Space
      The geography and economics of space. more...

  • Payment more...
    Payment is the reward for a job well done!

  • Credits more...
    Professional pride and career enhancement.

  • Work pledge more...