目的全字聲母韻母聲調 句子 ︱文法a


Caution: This story is an unusal mixture of past and present tense. Though the Chinese past tense can be easily conveyed with English past tense, much of what is rendered in the Chinese simple present tense must be converted into English past tense to be meaningful.



fan-1 yik-9

Mr. Fong has a daughter, who is pretty and can sing well. Although she can sing new and fast songs, she does not like to sing old and slow songs. When buying clothes its the same; she always wants new clothes. One day she decided that her clothes were too old and no longer wanted. Mr. Fong is a wealthy man with little money; even the place where he lives is not very big. Seeing so many clothes made him angry. After some time a friend who sells clothes told him "Give me your daughter's old clothes, and I will try to sell them for you. In this way I get to sell more and you get more money".

A month passed without Mr. Fong becoming angry. This is because his money grew and he was able to buy new clothes for his daughter. Also, the old clothes had found a new home, and their new owners were able to pay obtain very nice clothes with little money. Thus, everyone benefitted, and each was happy.

176 words


Note 1: Literally translated 一個女兒 means "one daughter". In this context the indefinite article "a" is more appropriate. Not only does it convey the meaning of one, but it also introduces the reader to someone hitherto unknown.

Note 2: The large number of commas in the first sentence leaves much to be desired grammatically, but for the Chinese beginner, it is probably an effective way to convey meaning without first having to learn so many grammatical rules.

Note 3: The use of 不要 in the phrase 她都不要唱 can probably be translated in many different ways. Here it likely means "does not want to", "has no desire to", or more conveniently "does not like to".

Note 4: The term 這樣 in the phrase 買衣服也是這樣 has the meaning of "so" "in like manner". In combination with 也, the base pattern becomes A也B這樣. Thus, the phrase 買衣服也是這樣 when translated literally means "buying is in like manner".

Note 5: 天天 is a way of saying all of the time -- literally "day after day", or "days on end".

Note 6: 過了一天 appears to be idiomatic and probably means "one day" in the sense of "one day it occurred that ...". 過了 is the past tense of 過, which means to pass.

Note 7: The use of 了 in the phrases 舊了 and 不要了 expresses similar meaning -- namely, a completed transition to a new state. In this case 舊了indicates that the clothes "have become old", and 不要了means that the clothes "are no longer needed or wanted".

Note 8: 有錢的人 means literally "person who has wealth". Thus, someone who is wealthy or a rich person. That someone, who has wealth, does not have much money 不是很有錢 is somewhat of a contradiction. This contradiction can be resolved in either of two ways: Mr. Fong wealth is not very liquid, or that he has enough money to live comfortably, but not so much that he can easily satisfy his daughter's desire for new clothes. 不是很有錢 appears to mean the same as 沒有很多錢.

Note 9: The use of 這樣 in the phrase 這樣多的衣服 can also be translated as "so", but the meaning is not the same as that explained in Note 4. Here it means "more than one would normally expect". Thus, the whole phrase becomes "so many clothes", where 這樣多的 is an adjectival modifier of 衣服. In spoken Cantonese the term 這樣 would be replaced with the word 咁 (gam-2).

Note 10: 點兒 in the phrase 有點兒生氣 apparently means the same as 一點兒 or "a little". 有生氣 means to be angry. Thus, the entire phrase means to be a little angry.

Note 11: 教他說 can probably be best translated as "instruct him", in the sense of both teaching and telling. As the instruction is coming from a friend, however, "told" seems to offer a better rendering in English.

Note 12: Literally translated the phrase 要是有人買,可以賣給他們 means "if there are people to buy, [I] can sell to them".

Note 13: 這樣 functions here in the same way as in Note 4, and is replaced in spoken Cantonese by the word 噉 (gam).

Note 14: 多些 means "more", and if translated literally in this context it would mean "is more". As this is hardly proper English, the sentence in which 多些 occurs twice can be tranlated differently by different people, but with the same meaning.

Note 15: The word 過了 in the two expressions 過了一個月 and 過了一天 probably should not be translated the same. Whereas 過了一天 appears idiomatic and means "one day", 過了一個月literally mean that "a month passed".

Note 16: The use of 了 in the phrase 不再生氣了 appears to be similar as to that which we observed in Note 7 -- namely, indication of complete transition. In this case Mr. Fong does not become angry again. Notice the placement of the word 再 after 不 to indicate "not again".

Note 17: 多了: If one walks away with no other lesson from this text, it is the use of 了 to mean "become". In this instance "to increase". I have translated it here as grow, as Mr. Fong's action was a kind of investment.

Note 18: 也有地方去了: In this phrase the old clothes that precede it are personified actors, that now "have a place to which they can go".

Note 19: The base pattern for the phrase 用少一點兒錢 is apparently 用少A, which means "use little of A". The additional phrase 一點兒 appears redundant -- perhaps mean very little.

Note 20: 這樣 functions here as in Notes 4 and 13 and means "in this way".

Note 21: 人人 and 個個 are a typical phenomenon in both Chinese and English -- the doubling of characters to produce extended or new meaning. In the first instance 人人 means "everyone", and in the second 個個 means "each" or "each and every".

Note 22: 歡喜 (fun-1 hei-2) is a new word that means "be happy".