
目的全字聲母韻母聲調 句子 ︱文法a
11)學校的大禮堂在二樓,飯堂在樓下,圖書館在六樓。 The school auditorium is located on the 2nd floor, the cafeteria is downstairs, and the library can be on the 6th floor.

Note 1: The base pattern for this sentence is A在D,B在E,C在F where 在D, 在E, and 在Findicate the whereabouts of A, B, and C, respectively.

Note 2: G樓, where Gis a number, is a standard expression used to indicate the floor of a building. In this sentence 二樓 and 六樓 indicate the 2nd and 6th floors, respectively.

Note 3: The expression 樓H indicates the vertical location of something relative to another location in a building. In this sentence 樓下 means downstairs. In contrast 樓上 means upstairs. Where 樓下 and 樓上 refer to places only one floor down or up, these expressions can be translated as below and above.

Note 4: 大禮堂 can be translated in different ways. In the case of a large, indoor hall with permanent seating the word auditorium is very appropriate for schools.

飯堂 is a hall for eating. A large indoor room used for the purpose of serving food to a large number of people in a school usually takes the form of a cafeteria.

The word 圖書館 is the standard expression for a library. It refers to a place 館 where maps 圖 and books 書 are kept and made available for general use.

Note 5: Other ways of expressing location that are perhaps more literary in style include 處L, 處於L, and 處在Lwhere L represents a physical location.

For example, one can write:

The school's auditorium is located above the cafeteria.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1416608

12)他對天文學很有興趣,所以所有有關地球,月球,星球,等等的書他都喜歡看。 He is very interested in astronomy. As a result, he likes to read every book having to do with the earth, the moon, the stars, and other similar subjects.

Note 1: The base pattern for this sentence is given by A,所以Bwhere Bis the natural result of A. In this case, the subject of the sentence 他 has an interest 有興趣 in astronomy 對天文, which causes him to enjoy 喜歡 reading 看 all books 所有書 about various aspects of astronomy concerning 有關 the earth, the moon, and the planets 地球,月球,星球.

Note 2: The base pattern of Part Ais given byC對D有興趣 where Cis the subject 他 and Dis the area 天文學 (astronomy) in which the subject has much 很 interest 有興趣.

Note 3: The base pattern of Part Bis given by 所有E的F他都喜歡Gwhere GFis some activity that 他 enjoys doing to all E的F. In this case, the pleasurable activity is reading all books 所有看書 having to do with 有關 the earth 地球, the moon 月球, and the stars 星, and other such materials 等等.

Note 4: The pattern 有關H的Fgiven by 有關地球,月球,星球,等等的書 appears to be a standard way of describing things F that are about other things 有關H的. Other examples of this use are given below:

i) 有關心理學的研究
research about psychology
ii) 有關生命起源的新發現
new discoveries about the origin of life
iii) 有關現代中國的文章
articles about contemporary China

Note 5: The appearance of 等等 after the list of interests given by 有關地球,月球,星球,等等 can be translated in a variety of ways including "and so forth", "and so on", , "etc.", and "and others".

Note 6: The adjective 所有 and adverb 都 in the expression 所有E的F他都喜歡看 work together to express the idea of every, each and every, or all F.

Note 7: The expressions 所有 and 所有的 are both used as adjectives to express the idea of every and all. By way of example, consider the following:

i) 所有的大雁在晚秋都南飛
All wild geese fly south in late fall.

ii) 所有志愿者請舉手
All volunteers please raise your hand.

iii) 他把所有衣服都洗了
He washed all of the clothes.

iv) 他所有節目都看
He watches every television program.

Note 8: As in Japanese the term can also be used as a noun to indicate property. Consider the following two examples:

i) 這塊地是公家所有的
This piece of land is public property.

Here 公家所有 means public property.

ii) 那家公司為私人所有
That company is privately owned.

Here 私人所有 means private property.

In both cases the term 所有 is used as a predicate noun in combination with a modifier.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1418850
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1418856
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1420480

13)那個飯館的菜單很簡單,要是你要吃名貴的菜,到別的飯館去吧。 The menu at that restaurant is very basic. If you want to eat famous dishes, then go to a different restaurant.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is A,要是B,Cwhere A is an observation made by the speaker which causes him to recommend Cas a sound course of action shouldBprevail.

The recommended course of action is going to 到去 a different 別的 restaurant 飯館, should the listener 你 want to eat 要吃 renown 名貴的 Chinese dishes 菜. The observed fact is that the menu 菜單 at the restaurant currently under discussion 那個飯館 is very basic 很簡單.

Note 2: The base pattern of Part Ais that of a modified noun-subject and its predicate adjective. The modified noun-subject is 那個飯館的菜單, where 菜單 (menu) is the noun-subject and 那個飯館的 tells us which menu -- namely, "the menu of that restaurant".

The predicate adjective 很簡單 means very basic or simple. In other words, it is a menu that includes only common foods that one can find everywhere.

Note 3: Although there exist several possible counters for restaurants (個, 家, and 間) and menus (張, 本, and 份), these counters do not overlap. As a result there can be no confusion about how to interpret the modifying phrase. Clearly 那個 refers to the restaurant 飯館 and not to the menu 菜單.

Note 4: The base pattern of the condition expressed in Part Bis given by 你要DEwhere DEis some activity that the listener may be desirous of performing -- namely, the eating 吃 of famous foods 名貴的菜.

The translation of 菜 is not obvious. In this context, it means the different kinds of dishes or entrées that can be found on a menu -- not vegetables, its more literal intepretation.

Note 5: Some would argue that the construction 要是你要FG is weak because of the close juxtaposition of the same character 要. Written alternatives that could express the same thought with better style might include:

i) 要是你想FG, and
ii) 如果你要FG

Note 6: The base pattern of the recommendation offered by the speaker is of the form 到F去 where Fis some other restaurant 別的飯館 to where the speaker suggests that the listener go.

The idea of other is expressed by 別的.

Note 7: There are various ways to express the meaning of restaurant in written Chinese including 酒家, 酒樓, 飯店,餐店, and 小喫店, or even 簡陋的飯館.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1422284
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1422288
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1422294
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1423084

14)黃先生的西裝很多,三件行李都裝不下。 Mr.Wong has many suits; they do not fit into three suitcases.

Note 1: The base pattern for this sentence is A,B where Aand Bare two related statements of fact.

Note 2: The base pattern of the first statement is that of a modified noun-subject and its predicate adjective. In this case Mr. Wong's 黃先生的 suits 西裝 are many 很多.

Note 3: The base pattern of the second statement is C都D不Ewhere D不Eis the negated verb DE, Cis the accusative object of that verb made into the clause's subject, and 都 is an adverb indicating that all of Cis subject to the verb DE. In effect, the second statement is in passive voice.

The verb 裝下 requires special mention, because it is a separable verb, whose negation is achieved by placing the negating adverb 不 between its two parts.

The subjectCis, of course, 三件行李 where 件 is the counter of 行李 (luggage, bags, suit cases, etc.)

Note 4: The character 裝 appears in this sentence both as a noun 西裝 (suits) and as a verb 裝下 (pack).

The term 西裝 is likely an abbreviation for 西式服裝 where 西式 has the meaning of Western style or Western cut, and 服裝 has the meaning of clothing or wardrobe. As the male suit and tie are probably the highest profile clothing worn in East Asia with a Western origin, the abbreviated form of 西式服裝 now carries the dual meaning of Western clothing and male (or female) Western suit.

The Chinese word for clothing or wardrobe -- namely, 服裝 -- is often abbreviated when used in combination with other characters. Depending on the character with which 服裝 is combined, either of the two characters 服 or 裝 can be used as the abbreviated form of the word. Consider the following examples:

男裝 (male clothing)
女服 (female clothing)

軍裝 (military outfit)
軍服 (military outfit)

童裝 (child's clothing)
制服 (uniform)

The clothing worn by 孫中山 (Sun Yat Sen) and later by 毛澤東 (Mao Tse Tung) is known as 中山服. In Cantonese the names 孫中山 and 毛澤東 are pronounce syn-1 dzung-1 san-1 and mou-4 dzak-6 dung-1.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1424261

15)她家裏的電話是二三四五一五號,不是二三四五五一號。 Her telephone number is not 234 515; it is 234 551.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is A是B,不是C, where Bis what Ais, and Cis what Ais not. In both cases, Band Cserve as predicate nouns to the modified noun-subject A.

In this case, the noun-subject A is a telephone number indicated by the word for telephone -- namely, 電話. The two predicate nouns Band Care 234 515 號 and 234 551 號 -- i.e., the correct and incorrect telephone numbers.

Note 2: The noun-subject is modified by the possesive adjectival phrase 她家裏的 where 她家裏 means in her house (or family) -- in other words, the telephone number is the number of her residence.

Note 3: Here 電話 appears to be an abbreviation for 電話號碼 which means telephone number. 號碼 is further abbreviated as 號 in the phrases 二三四五一五號 and 二三四五五一號.

Apparently, both 號 and 碼 are used as common abbreviations for 號碼. All three of these expressions are used to indicate the presence of a code or number ued for the purpose of coding.

Further examples include by 巴士號 and 密碼.

Warning: 號 and 碼 are not always interchangeable substitutes when expressing the idea of 號碼.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1426104

16)那個鋪子賣的東西價錢很公道,價目單寫多少便賣多少,不用講價的。れあThe prices in that store are very reasonable. You pay what is written on the tag, and there is no need to barter.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is A,B,不用C where AandBare two related observations made by the speaker. As a result of these observation the speakers concludes Cto be unnecessary.

In this case, the prices 價錢 of goods 東西 sold in a store 鋪子賣的 are very reasonable 很公道. The store sells 賣 at the price 價錢 written 寫 on the price tag 價目單. Because the prices are both reasonable and posted, the speaker concludes that there is no need 不用 to barter 講價.

Note 2 (Return to S20, N5): The base pattern of Part Aof this sentence is that of a modified noun-subject and its predicate adjective. The modified noun-subject is 那個鋪子賣的東西價錢, and the predicate adjective is 很公道.

The actual subject of this sentence is probably 價錢 which is modified by the noun 東西 (things, goods, etc.) and the adjectival clause 那個鋪子賣的 (what is sold in that store).

Although one might anticipate the appearance of 的 after the noun 東西, it is customary Chinese practice to minimize the number of times that 的 is used in conjunction with other words to modify a single noun. In this case, the character 的 is more useful to indicate the presence of an adjectival clause containing a subject and a verb very different from the noun-subject modified by the clause. (In contrast, a Japanese would hesitate little to modify the same noun several times using the pattern Wの -- the Japanese equivalent of W的.)

Note 3: By inserting a comma between the words 東西 and 價錢 another grammatical interpretation of this sentence -- resembling closely the Japanese introductory phrasing Dは、E -- is possible.

那個鋪子賣的東西,價錢很公道,價目單寫多少便賣多少,不用講價的。The base pattern of this sentence is F,A,B,不用Cwhere Fis an introductory phrase or clause that has a conceptual, but no grammatical link to the rest of the sentence. In effect, Fprovides necessary information for the correct understanding of A,B,不用C whose only connection is conceptual and syntactical.

Of course, this interpretation necessarily reads a mistake into the author's punctuation.

Note 4: However one interprets the first part of this sentence, it is the prices of the goods in the store where the goods are sold that are reasonable. Thus, the phrase 那個 refers to the 鋪子, not to the goods that are sold in that store.

Note 5: The base pattern of Part B is given by G多少便H多少 where GandHare two things that occur in fixed proportion to each other. In this case the quantity or price at which the good are sold 賣 and what is written 寫 on the price tags 價目單 change proportionately.

Other examples of this pattern can be viewed below:

i) 吃多少便付多少
pay for as much as you eat,
pay for all that you eat,

ii) 花多少便報多少
report as much as is spent
report everything that you spend,

iii) 讀多少便學多少
learn as much as you read
learn everything that you read

iv) 說多少便做多少
do as much as one says
do what you promise

Note 6: (Return to S19 - N5)

Part Cof the clause 不用Cis given by the verb 講價. In this context, the negated verb 不用 (no need to) has the same meaning as 不要.

要 is the abbreviated form of 需要.

The following four verb phrases all bear the same meaning -- namely, "no need to bargain". Item iv appears to be more formal (literary) than item iii.

i) 不用講價
ii) 不需要講價
iii) 不要講價
iv) 不需講價

Certainly the verbs 用 and 要 are not always so easily substituted.

Note 7: The appearance of 的 at the end of the sentence appears to be either dialectically meaningful or superfluous depending on one's regional upbringing. Whereas some would consider it akin to a post-sentence particle that softens the tone of the speaker's statement -- thus making it appear friendlier and more persuasive; others would consider it improper and evidence for a lack of proper educational training.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1427792
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1427796
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1427798

17)你知道他為什麼有皮鞋,布鞋,雨鞋,跟運動鞋嗎?因為他的父親是賣鞋的。 Do you know why he has leather shoes, cloth shoes, rain shoes, as well as gym shoes? It is because his father owns a shoe store.

Note 1: The base pattern for the question is 你知道A嗎?, where Ais something about which the speaker asks the listener, if he is knowledgeable.

In this case, the speaker wants to know if the listener knows why 為什麼 some person 他 has 有 so many different kinds of shoes including 皮鞋 (leather shoes), 布鞋 (cloth shoes), 雨鞋 (rain shoes), and 運動鞋 (athletic shoes).

Note 2: The base pattern of the answer to the question is given by 因為D是E, where 是Eis a predicate noun to the noun-subject D.

In this case, that the person's father 他的父親 is the likely owner of a shoe store 賣鞋的 is given as the reason for the person having so many shoes.

Note 3: The phrasing B為什麼Cis typically Chinese insofar as the question word 為什麼 is placed, not at the beginning of the question, but rather where the missing information would normally appear, if the answer were known and a statement, rather than a question, were being made.

Note 4: Notice that the listed series of nouns follows the pattern F,G,H,跟J, where F, G, H, and J are the leather, cloth, rain, and athletic shoes, respectively.

Note 5: Obviously, the word for shoes is given by 鞋 and each different kind of shoes is indicated by the pattern K鞋.

Note 6: The phrase 賣鞋的 is a nominalized verb phrase indicating the profession of the person's father. This phrasing is often used to indicate what a person does for a living. Whether the person's father sells shoes or is the owner of a shoe store is not clear. One would probably assume that he is the owners.

By way of further example, a fisherman is often referred to as a 打魚的 -- namely, someone who catches fish.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1431880

18)他每天晚上去報館做事,早上回旅舘睡覺,中午到飯館去吃飯。 Every evening he goes to work at the newspaper. In the morning he returns to his hotel and sleeps. For lunch he goes to a restaurant.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence might be thought of as the following: A每天B,C,D where B, C, and Dare a sequency of activities in which Aengages everyday 每天 at specified times.

Note 2: Each of the activities in which Aengages occur at a different time of the day including the evening 晚上, the morning 早上, and at noon 中午.

The base patterns for these three activities are very similar. The individual goes somewhere and does something.

晚上 + 去報館 + 做事
in the evening + goes to newspaper + works

早上 + 回旅館 + 睡覺
in the morning + returns to the hotel + sleeps

中午 + 到飯館去 + 吃飯
at noon + goes to a cafteria + has something to eat.

Note 3: The subject is mentioned only once in the sentence, and a pause is indicated between each pair of activities.

Note 4: In all case does the adverb of time appear before the verb. An in the case where two adverbs of time are present, the larger frame of time precedes the smaller -- namely, 每天+晚上.

Note 5: The four places to where the person goes are indicated by the word suffix 館, which apparently indicates some sort of indoor accommodation in a building set aside for a specific activity -- in this case, work 報館, overnight accommodations 旅館, and a place to eat 飯館.

Note 6: Although 旅館 often refers to a hotel, it can mean any place (building) set aside for providing travellers with overnight lodging. What kind of place is usually indicated by what precedes the characters 旅館.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1432824

19)教書的時候,聲音要大些,平時跟朋友說話,就不用太大聲了。 You do not need to speak to me with the same voice that you use when you teach. A lower voice is just fine among friends.

Note 1: The base pattern for this sentence is given by A的時候,B,平時C,就D where A的時候 and 平時C are two conditions characterised by time and circumstance, andBand Dare two consequences each associated with a different condition.

In effect, a comparison is drawn between how one should speak under each of the different circumstances.

Note 2: Consider first the pattern given by the circumstance and consequence A的時候,B. When teaching 教書的時候 one requires 要 a bigger 大些 voice 聲音.

The base pattern for part Bis given by E要F, where Fis an adjective that describes how Emust be when one teaches. This construction is that of a Chinese predicate adjective described by a modal verb. Consider, for example, the two following phrases:

the voice is bigger

the voice needs to be bigger

Note 3: Consider now the pattern given by 平時C,就Dwhere 就Dis what naturally occurs (is normally the case) when conditionCis present. In this case, one does not require 不用 a very big voice 太大聲, when one is speaking 說話 with friends 跟朋友.

Note 4: The pattern 跟Gis not new and indicates that G accompanies whomever it is whose voice is being considered. Thus, 跟朋友 can be translated as "with a friend" or "with friends".

Note 5: The uses of the verbs 用 and 要 in the phrases 不用太大聲了and 聲音要大些 are grammatically very different. Whereas 要大些 plays the role of a modulated predicate adjective to 聲音; 太大聲 plays the role of a direct object to 用. These uses of 要 and 用 here, are thus very different from those discussed in Note 6 of Sentence 16.

Note 6: The use of 了in this sentence is that of post-sentence particle likely indicating a completed action or a softening in expression.

Here it could be indicating that the listener is no longer in the classroom, that he is with his friend, and that his friend is encouraging him to lower his voice.

Certainly, other renderings of this sentence are possible.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1434052
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1435114


When he speaks English, he speaks with a very heavy USAmerican accent, so I know that he is not from the UK.

Note 1: The base pattern to this sentence is B,所以A知道C, where Cis what the A knows, because he has observed B.

Note 2: The base pattern of what the speaker has observed is given by D的時候,E, where Eis something that occurs when Doccurs. A more detailed pattern yields 他說F的時候,有G, where Gis what the unidentified person 他 has, when he saysF.

In this case, the speaker has 有 a very heavy 很重的 USAmerican 美國 accent 口音, when he speaks 說 English 英文.

Note 3: The base pattern of what the speaker knows, as the result 他's speaking with a very heavy USAmerican accent is simply that of a negated predicate noun and its corresponding subject. In this case the speaker knows that the person 他 is not 不是 someone from Great Britain 英國人.

Note 4: One should note that the terms 英文 and 英語 refer to the written and spoken forms of the English language, respectively, but that they are often used interchangeably to mean the English language as a whole, irrespective of its content and delivery.

Note 5: Although 口音 could easily be modified by the phrases 很重的 and 美國的, the adjectival indicator is used only once. See Note 2 to Question 16 for further explanation of the use of the word 的 in a similar context.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1435130