目 的全字聲母韻母聲調 句子文法


小黑是一個很奇怪的孩子,他常常做錯事,也常常聴錯別人的話,不大明白別人的意思;看東西的時候,他也 看不清楚。有的時候應該做的事他不做,不應該做的,他就做了,真是氣壞人。有一天,他病了,他母親就帶他去看醫生,醫生說:「你每天要吃四次藥。」回到家 裡以後,他每三個鐘頭就要母親給他一次肉吃,他母親以為他很想吃肉,就給他吃,但是他一天吃四次,那是不可以的。所以她就問他,他說是醫生要這様的。他母 親這時才知道他聽錯了「藥」字跟「字」。他應該每天吃四次藥,但不是肉呢。

後來,他又有一個奇怪的想法,要是吃藥可以醫好人,那麼,一次吃完了它,不就好了嗎?這様,他就吃了所 有的,他母親知道以後,很緊張,怕他吃壞了,所以連忙帶他去看醫生,可是他不但不怕,還笑笑說自己做得很不錯,他請願多病幾天,可以多請幾天假,不用上 學,因為他很不喜歡上學。他母親有點兒生氣,就說:「病多了,會死的。」可是他說:「死有甚麼可怕?還不是跟睡覺一様,要是死了,可以長睡了。這不是比 上學還好嗎?」他說完了,就連忙跑回家去,不看醫生了。

characters: 444

fan-1 yik-9

Siu Hak is one very strange child, who frequently misbehaves and often fails to hear what others tell him, thus misunderstanding as a result. When he sees something, he even fails to see it clearly. Sometimes when there is something he should do, he does not do it, and when there is something that he should not do, he does it. He is truly a very troubling spirit. One day he became sick, and his mother took him to see the doctor. The doctor said, "You must take medicine four times a day". After returning home he asked his mother once every three hours to give him meat to eat. His mother thought he was set on eating meat, and gave him what he wanted, but eating meat four times a day was not something he could do. So she asked him about it, and he told her that the doctor told him to do it. This time his mother understood that her son had mistaken the Chinese word for medicine as meat, and that he should take medicine four times a day -- not eat meat.

After a while Siu Hak came up with a strange idea. If I take the medicine, I get better. So, he took the entire medicine at once. When his mother found out, she became very nervous. Though busy, she feared a bad result and took her son to see the doctor. However, Siu Hak was unafraid, and even smiled and said that what he did was not so bad. In effect he preferred to be sick a few more days, because he could ask for more vacation, and avoid having to go to school. Siu Hak disliked school very much. His mother became a little angry and said, "If you become any more sick, you could die".  Whereupon he replied, "What fear should I have of dying? Is it not just like sleeping? If I die, I get to sleep for a long time. Is it not better than having to go to school?". Having finished, he ran home and did not see the doctor.

words: 351